Radarhöjden: Stalemate

0,00 kr600,00 kr

🗓 2025-02-07 - 2025-02-09

🕒 Tid: 21:00 - 13:00

📍 Plats: Hällingsjö, Göteborg

Artikelnr: N/A Kategori: Etiketter: ,
Beskrivning +
Continuation from where the campaign ended last time.
After heavy clashes in “Cursed upon iron” and Watchkeeper the front has settled. It seems that both sides are holding what they gained and the both sides are now in a “Stealmate”. The winter season has brought low morale and fatique. But someone need to patrol the frontline.
>> GAME INFO: realmilsim.se
General game info:
Skirmish based game. Guard and patrol designated areas. Entrench and fortify. Set up communications reporting system to company-radio net and recieve youe orders! Expect low intense tasks as guarding, patrolling, build fortifications, setup radio-coms. But be aware things can chage rapidly!
Mission breifing will be aviable week before start.


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