North Ops – Burnout

Köp hos arrangör

🗓 2025-03-21 - 2025-03-23

🕒 Tid: 21:00 - 12:00

📍 Plats: Rödjenäs, Björkby, Vetlanda kommun

🛒 Köp biljett:

Beskrivning +

North Ops 3 – Burnout

Deep in the forests of Småland, a Russian Ka-60 helicopter has crashed. Onboard was a special forces operator on a secret mission—carrying a prototype drone that could change the course of the war. Now, he is being hunted by Swedish forces, NATO units, and mercenaries, all determined to seize the technology before he can escape.

The game is built around small units, with each team receiving unique objectives based on their faction and playstyle. Do you want to play as a special forces team with classified missions, a command unit with radios and a base of operations, or a militia group operating freely in the area?


Factions you can play as:

NATO Special Forces – American, Danish, Polish, and Norwegian units operating in the area.

Russian Special Forces – Elite units from the Russian army carrying out secret operations.

Swedish Armed Forces – Swedish military units acting independently but cooperating with NATO.

Swedish Police – A limited force with the ability to intervene against foreign agents and extremists.

Northern Path – A Nordic extremist militia seeking to overthrow the government and establish a new order.


NATO Special Forces

The NATO Taskforce mission in the area is to establish a strong foothold, either by diminishing the occupying force in the area, taking over key areas in the AO and/or destroying important infrastructure. This by using recon elements, HUMMINT gathering and long range patrols.

The game varies in pace from a slower start with intel gathering, recon missions, patrols to root out enemy positions and ambushes. As the game progresses the intensity will increase. The Taskforce is allowed 3 vehicles in total for the whole unit.


Russian Special Forces

Russia have deployed everything from FSB operatives to regular troops and their Spetznas. The mission in the area is to establish a stronger foothold, either by taking over key areas in the AO and/or destroying important infrastructure. This by using recon elements and long range patrols.

The game varies in pace from a slower start with intel gathering, recon missions, patrols to root out enemy positions and ambushes. As the game progresses the intensity will increase. 


Swedish armed forces

Swedish armed forces work with their NATO allies but as all units in the AO work independently only relying on their own command. The game varies in pace from a slower start with intel gathering, recon missions, patrols to root out enemy positions and ambushes. As the game progresses the intensity will increase.

As a player you can choose these different roles to play: Army infantry, Special Operations Group. 


Swedish police

It is important that you look the part of a Swedish police-officer otherwise your outfit wont pass.

Local police – Gear-demands are standard Swedish Police uniform, black utility belt, P226, Radio, suitable car for the role, Volvo V70 or XC70. No need to be a marked police cruiser.

NI – Nationella insatsstyrkan or similiar. We want a uniformed unit. Not the civilian look. Gear-demands are either Ranger Green outfit with JPC carriers or Navy Blue with SnigelDesign platecarriers.

P226, LWRC-M6 rifles.


Northern path

Northern Path is a right-wing paramilitary group recently surfacing in Sweden. Their goal is to destabilize the current Swedish government enough that their preferred party will become a majority in government. There are unconfirmed rumours that the group have ties with Russia and Putin. They are well equipped and highly trained. Most members have a long military background in either the Nordic countries armed forces and police forces and also former members in the French Foreign Legion.


See the event website for complete description of the units and the gear deamnd  

Spelupplägg +

Kether Games – Där milsim möter LARP

Kether Games kombinerar milsim och LARP (Live Action Role Play). Här möts taktiskt skjutande och strategiskt tänkande med intriger, förhandlingar och hemliga agendor. När du kliver in i spelet är grunderna lagda – bakgrundshistorien, relationerna och konflikterna bubblar under ytan. Men vad som händer sen är helt upp till spelarna. Kommer du att följa order eller ifrågasätta dem? Bilda allianser eller planera en kupp? Lösa en konflikt vid förhandlingsbordet eller på slagfältet?


Spelet skrivs i realtid

Här kan du vara en soldat på uppdrag, en diplomat som förhandlar om vapenvila, en spion som infiltrerar fienden eller en civilist med en egen agenda. Inget är förutbestämt – dina val och interaktioner med andra formar berättelsen och avgör spelets gång.


Dynamiken mellan milsim och rollspel

Alla spelare agerar utifrån sina karaktärers roller – både i sitt agerande och i val av uniformer, vapensystem och talat språk. Milsim-spelarna följer militära strukturer, taktiska beslut och order, medan rollspelarna driver berättelsen genom politiska intriger, diplomati och personliga mål. Det är denna samverkan som gör Kether Games så levande och oförutsägbart.


Ingen styr spelet – bara du

Game Master är inte en klassisk spelledare som styr handlingen, utan snarare en berättelsevävare. De skapar ramarna, relationerna och bakgrunden, men spelet formas helt av spelarnas val och de konsekvenser som följer. Kether Games är för dig som vill ha mer än bara strid – det är för dig som vill kliva in i en levande berättelse, där du inte bara spelar en roll – du är rollen.

Regler +

Read the rules on our website 


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